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餐饮知识网 2024-01-01 08:43:42 0



Rules are made in public places to restrict people's behavior. And so is in the library. Then how shall we obey the rules of the library?


  Firstly, we should keep in mind that the library is a place for reading, studying and the exchange of knowledge. So we are not supposed to talk loudly or eat things in the library.

  Secondly, we should just borrow the books that we need.

  Some people like to borrow a lot of books that they don't even have enough time to finish them all in time. However, once you have taken those books away, the people who really need them may have to wait.

  It is surely a kind of waste.



1、碟子:saucer; small plate; small dish

2、女主人:hostess; mistress; goodwife; woman of the house; housemistress

3、离席:leave the table or a meeting

4、汤盘:soup plate; soup dish

5、服务生:a boy in buttons

6、餐巾:(table) napkin; dinner cloth

7、油渍:oil stain

8、坐定:take seat; be sure

9、可使用:workability; workableness; in commission


1. I'm really glad that you could come.你能来真是太好了。

2. Please make yourself at home.在我这儿别见外。

3. Please help yourself.请随意~

4. Be my guest.请便,别客气。

5. We are all friends – please don't stand on ceremony.大家都是朋友,请别见外。

6. What would you like to drink?你想喝点儿什么?

7. Do you want some cookies?想吃点饼干吗?

8. Would you like a second helping?


9. Have some more, please.请再多吃点。
