首页 > 餐饮知识 >宿舍礼仪知识分享内容简短,宿舍礼仪有哪些主要内容?


餐饮知识网 2024-08-06 00:58:29 0





1. 卫生标准:要求保持宿舍内的卫生,定期打扫和清洁。

2. 安全标准:要求遵守宿舍内的安全规定,不得使用违规电器,不得私自拉接电线等。

3. 作息标准:要求遵守作息时间,不得影响他人休息。

4. 纪律标准:要求遵守宿舍内的纪律规定,不得大声喧哗、打闹等。


In dormitory, i think it is more necessary for us to protect the tune of dormitory.For example if your dormitory unharmonious.it could effect your study, feeling, mood and so on. But the question is how to establish the live of harmonious dormitory.

In my opinion, Those ways may be usefully.

First of all, more intercourse, please talk with your dormitorymates,when you have more conversation, youcan know more and more things about your dormitorymates, and also you attention something about their habits,and avoid something in emarrass.

Besides,have a big heart. If you had some troule with you dormitorymates, please don't break a butterfly on the wheel. give a smile, and discuss the solution about those things.

It should be noted that open your heart, more conversation with your dormitorymates. More understand each other. Do anything about establish the live of harmonious dormitory. I think it is easy for you to do!


1. 爱护公共环境,共创美好家园。

2. 文明待人,礼貌相处,和谐共生。

3. 守时守纪,共建文明宿舍。

4. 珍惜资源,节约用电用水。

5. 文明行为,展现大家风范。

6. 共建和谐,共享幸福。

7. 爱护设施,共同维护。

8. 文明宿舍,从我做起。

9. 互帮互助,共创美好生活。

10. 文明礼仪,展现素质风采。
